Judson Foundation is honored to celebrate the generosity of all our benefactors. From helping adults stay active, to giving hope, strength, and comfort to residents challenged with dementia, your unending support enables Judson to meet the growing needs in our community.
Each year, Judson recognizes an exceptional philanthropic partner for their significant role in Bringing Community to Life at Judson. The Judson Award for Philanthropic Leadership was created in 2017 to celebrate outstanding philanthropic leadership and highlight the importance of charitable giving to Judson. The award is presented at Judson Foundation’s annual Celebration of Generosity.
For more than a century, gifts from Judson residents, families and friends have provided the financial footing that makes Judson an exceptional place to live. To celebrate our donors’ generosity, Judson has established recognition societies for cumulative and annual giving.
* Denotes deceased
Judson Foundation’s Benefactor Society honors donors for their lifetime giving.
Visionary ($1,000,000+)
Marjorie W. and William B. Anderson*
Eva L. and Joseph M. Bruening Foundation
Knight Charitable Trust
The Reinberger Foundation
Mr. and Mrs.* A. William Reynolds
Catalyst – ($500,000 – $999,999)
The Cleveland Foundation
Louise W. Crane*
DJ Foundation
The Ferry Family Foundation
John J. Kolar*
Marion S. Lawry Trust
Charlene Phelps*
George and Audra Rose*
Myra and Darwin Smith
Alton* and Helen Whitehouse
Champion ($250,000 – $499,999)
The Elisabeth Severance Prentiss Foundation
The Kelvin and Eleanor Smith Foundation
Sogg Foundation
Fred A. Lennon Charitable Trust
The Kresge Foundation
Jean and Robert H. Arnold *
Donald* and Marta Jack
Joan and Byron* Krantz
Marjorie M. and Samuel H. Lamport*
Hester Nixon*
Anna Mary Noll*
Aurel Ostendorf*
LaVahn M. Overmyer*
Helen and Leland Schubert*
Glenn C. Wilber*
Founder ($100,000 – $249,999)
Second Foundation
Kulas Foundation
The 1525 Foundation
Judson Manor Resident Council
The Murch Foundation
John G. Johnson Construction
Dr. Ruth Anderson*
Anne R. Beavan*
Albert Borowitz*
Ruth E. Brown*
Robert M. and Lois G.* Brucken
Elvidio G. Bufalini*
Florence Cellar*
Mary E. Chilcote*
Marty and Gerald Conway*
Richard* and Patty Cusick
Cynthia H. Dunn
James E. and Gertrude A. Dyson*
Roger B. Ellsworth
Virginia D. and Ernest S. Ferry*
Natasha Field
Allen H. and Constance* Ford
Gil and Elle Frey*
Eugenia Gallagher*
Dr. Richard K. Gardner*
Richard and Prue Garretson*
Evelyn Goldfarb*
Allene Hillburg*
Clarke A. Hoak*
Dr. and Mrs. Lansing C. Hoskins
Mr. Joseph Hostetler*
Donald and Dorothy Kuhn
Jane Van H. Landers*
Tom and Kathi Lind
Florence G. Marsh*
Jo and J. Howard Morris*
Bob and Barbara Oldenburg*
Jeanette Parkhurst*
Ms. Pauline Ramig
Nelson P. and Betty Rose*
Marie and David* Rowley
Audie and John Schneider
Oliver* and Meredith Seikel
B. Kathleen Shamp*
Joyce and Kevin Shaw
Dr. Marion Siney*
Mrs. Virginia Stewart*
The C. Carlisle and Margaret M. Tippit Charitable Trust
Mr.* and Mrs. F. Jerome Tone, III
Gloria W. Veale, IV*
Roy L. Williams*
Esther Wright*
Patron ($50,000 – $99,000)
William O. and Gertrude Lewis Frohring Foundation
Parker Hannifin Corporation
Sherwick Fund
The George W. Codrington Charitable Foundation
The Abington Foundation
Cuyahoga Arts & Culture
TRW Inc.
David and Inez Myers Foundation
The Bicknell Fund
Dworken & Bernstein Co.
The Marjorie and Samuel Lamport Fund of the Cleveland FND
The Leslie and Elizabeth D. Kondorossy Fund
Saint Luke’s Foundation
The McGregor Foundation
Treu-Mart Fund
Donley’s Inc.
Richard H. Bamberger Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Laura Berick
Leo Bernstein*
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bittenbender
Ruth B. Bradley*
Robert Brooks
Mary and Al* Cahen
Ellen W. Chinn*
Dr. Theodora P. Dakin*
Jeannette J. Dempsey*
Cornelia Erf*
Barbara V. Gould*
Clark Harvey and Holly Selvaggi
Dr. Marie R. Haug*
Larry and Bonnie Lindberg
Elmer L. Lindseth*
Aileen K. MacCracken*
Kazuko Maine*
Alexander McAfee*
Mr. James D. McKim
Brooks B. McWilliams*
Joseph B. Milgram*
Joan R. Mortimer, PhD*
Richard and JoAnn Overmyer*
Stanley and Elaine Pace*
Donald and Carol Poe
Mrs. Lorrie H. Robertson*
Virginia P. Roedger*
Jacob and Marjorie Rosenbaum*
Drs. Norman and Ann Roulet*
Betty Rubin*
Mr. David M. Schneider
Edward K. Schneider*
Alice M. Sloss*
M. Isabel Smith*
Mildred D. Sommer*
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Spahr*
Wendy L. Staniforth*
Drs. Gilbert M. and Anna W.* True
John and Susan* Turben
Debra and James Vail
Holly and Douglas Wang
Frances G. Washington*
Kathryn S. Weitzel*
Mildred A. Westmoreland*
Jane B. Young*
Ambassador ($25,000 – $49,999)
Absolute Pharmacy, Inc.
White Consolidated Industries
The Firman Fund
National Philanthropic Trust
Ernst & Young LLP
Church of the Saviour
The Church Home
Eaton Corporation
George M. and Pamela S. Humphrey Fund
Elizabeth Ring Mather and William Gwinn Mather Fund
NACCO Materials Handling Group, Inc.
Cain Brothers & Company, LLC
Fifth Third Bank
Paintstone Foundation
United Way Services
The Sears-Swetland Family Foundation
The Payne Fund
The Fairfax Foundation
John P. Murphy Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. A. Chace Anderson
Viola C. Anderson*
Mr. and Mrs.* Allan W. Austin
Jay “Chip” and Janet AuWerter
Elizabeth M. Baird*
Dr. William* and Gayle Bauer
Dorothy Beck*
Marion Bittman*
Vern and Pat Breitenbach*
Thomas and Louise Brick
Mary S. and James R. Bright
Diane Brown
Mrs. Marion Bryan*
Helen B. Burdg*
Josephine Calabretta*
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Campbell*
Mrs. Helen Carr*
Bonnie and Michael Carter
Anna P. Catlin*
E. Bruce and Virginia Chaney*
Thomas P. Crowley
Leita Davy*
Terrance and Shirley* Donley
Zoann L. Dusenbury*
Harriett Ernst*
H. Adele Evans*
Sally-Jane Fabel*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Fort*
Judd and Zetta Gross*
Mark H. Hardenbergh*
Sara Harmon*
Mrs. Suzanne B. Harrison*
Samuel and Kimberly Hartwell
William and Patricia Hatch
Hans and Freida Hirschmann*
Grace Hoffman*
Mildred F. Hollander*
Bob and Gladys Howson*
Mr.* and Mrs. Wallace R. Hutson
The Rev. F. Reid Isaac
John T. Jacobson*
David J. James, Jr.
Ruth Acklin Jenks*
Dennis H. Kelly *
Dr.* and Mrs. John H. Kennell
Robert Kessler*
Carter Kissell*
C.R.* and Mary Kubik
Mr. Fredrick S. Lamb*
Gretchen Larson
Levin-Bernstein Philanthropic Fund
Lee and George Lockwood*
Constance White Main*
Eunice S. Marsh*
Iris Marshall*
Heath and Rex Mason
Christine and George Mauersberger
Mrs. Lois McCartan
Isabel M. Merrill*
Nadine Miles*
Beatrice H. Miller*
Dr. Genevieve Miller*
Margaret and Clarence Morell*
Virginia Morris*
Virginia C. Morrow*
Kay C. Murray
John and Karen Nestor
Tony and Nancy* Oliverio
Merritt and Amity Osborn*
Ivan L. and Kathleen L.* Otto
Jane and Jon Outcalt
Sara and Hunter Peckham
Allan* and Barbara Peskin
Leona Phillips*
Dr. Oscar and Mrs. Marian Ratnoff*
Thomas G. Rayburn
Mrs. Marion Reynolds*
Georgianna T. Roberts
Elizabeth D. Robson*
Helen W. Ross*
John and Delores Saada*
Franz and Beth Sauerland*
Mrs. Ellery Sedgwick*
Lillian E. Simpson*
Anne Rayburn Smith
Charles H. Smith, Jr.*
Kent and Thelma Smith*
Doris S. Snedeker*
Frances Lennie Snider*
George Streeter*
Judge William K. Thomas*
Kendra J. Urdzik
The Veale Foundation
Marjorie Marsh Warren*
David* and Elizabeth H. Warshawsky
Mrs. Mildred Wick*
Richard* and Helen Zakin
Ann and Chuck Zellmer
Justin and Silvia Zverina*
Friend ($10,000 – $24,999)
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Oswald Companies
Hankins Foundation
Bessie Benner Metzenbaum Fund
Vizmeg Landscape, Inc.
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company
William M. and Elizabeth W. Jones Fund
The Renner Foundation
North Shores Consulting, Inc.
Cleveland National Air Show
Jones Day
Frantz Ward LLP
Fairmount Presbyterian Church
Quilling Charitable Trust
Jewish Federation of Cleveland
Landmark Designs, Inc.
Cleveland Clearing House Association
The Albert M. Higley Company
Plymouth Church of Shaker Heights
Rockwell Automation
Gannett Foundation
Prelude Services
Raymond J. Wean Foundation
Sutherin-Melling Insurance Co./The Sutherin Family
The Lincoln Moving & Storage Company
Doan Pyramid Electric
Hyster-Yale Materials Handling, Inc.
Hudson Trust
Neiman Marcus
Judson Manor House Fund
The Drape Factory, Inc.
Higley Fund
The Veale Foundation
Paladin Protective Systems, Inc.
Hirsch Electric Company
The Plain Dealer
Saint Ann Foundation
GAR Foundation
Playhouse Square Real Estate Services
SIFCO Foundation
The Cliffs Foundation
Leonard Krieger Fund of the The Cleveland Foundation
Samuel H. and Maria Miller Foundation
Members Give
AHS Foundation
Marilou Abele*
Dr. Sallie Oldenburg Adams
Ethel Adrine*
Violet Ansorge*
Vincent M. Arnold*
Mary Bacher*
William and Shelley Baeslack
Dr. James Bard
Anne M. Barnes*
Gladys Barnum*
Barbara A. Baum*
Patricia H. Beall*
Peter A. Bergsten
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M. Billick
Robert E. Bingham*
John and Pamela Blemaster
Gerald B. Blouch
Helen Borowitz*
John and Judith* Bourne
Florence W. Bowes*
Julie and Guy Bramble
Dr. Eugene L. Brand
Elizabeth Breckenridge
Kenneth L.* and Nancy E. Brown
Mr. Bennett Brown
Dr. Helen Brown*
Ruth H. Brown*
Mrs. Anne Staples Burden
Mary R. Burmeister*
Rev. Drs. Albert Pennybacker* and Joan Campbell
Mary F. Cannon*
Mrs. Phyllis G. Carl*
Marge* and Harry Carlson
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Carnovale
Mary Louise G. Carpenter*
Patricia S. Carter*
Luke and Ann Case*
Clara D. Catliota*
Mr. and Mrs. Hong S. Chae
Corning Chisholm*
Helen B. Cole*
Rosella Compton*
Rita and Aims Coney*
Catherine E. Conway*
William E. and Mary* Conway
Ralph T. “Ted” Cook*
M. Lucile Crowell Cooks*
John H. Corrigan
Grace S. Couchman*
Joseph Coyle
Marty and Sandy Coyle
Stuart and Susan Crampton
Lloyd* and Peggy Culp
Sally and Pitt* Curtiss
Malcolm* and Sara Cutting
Ryerson and Caren Dalton
Elizabeth Daunton*
Margie Knight Davis*
Pamela Bowes Davis, MD, PhD
Ruth A. DeBoer
Eleanor B. Deex*
Joseph and E. Pauline* Degenfelder
Dorothy O. DeGray*
Elthera DeLong*
John D. Drinko and Elizabeth G. Drinko*
John J. Dwyer*
Ruth B. Eastwood*
Mrs. Phyllis J. Edberg
Karl A. and Elizabeth B. Eger*
Dr. Elizabeth Endicott*
Dr. Randall Travis* and Dr. Ilona Engel
Doug and Sheila Epp
Chandler and Marcia Everett
Ann C. Fabens
Kathryn and William Fehrenbach
Jane P. Fielding*
Henry Foltz*
Ermina M. Forsberg*
William E. Forsythe, MD*
Sam and Elda* Foti
Marie Franzen*
Dr.* and Mrs. Donald Freedheim
Mildred E. Fretz*
Matilda Saks Friedman*
Isabel W. Frost*
Dr. John Burke and Judge Nancy Fuerst
Margaret A. Fullmer
Mrs. Carmen B. Fullmer*
Amy L. Garfield*
Jenifer and Rudolph* Garfield
Roy A. Gentles*
Bob and Ann Gillespie
Alta Gimmy*
Esther H. Gimp*
Mrs. Barbara F. Ginn
Nancy A. Gorenshek*
D. Allan Gray
Rich and Barbara Gray
Nita Gregg*
Clara Greve*
Bob and Sally Gries
Mr. Jack L. Griffiths
Agnes Gund and Daniel Shapiro
David and Robin Gunning
Lucille Hadfield*
Lois A. Hagar*
John and Jackie* Hallack
Virginia Harrison Hamann*
Frank J. Hanus III
Patricia Harding*
Albert Harding
Mary B. Harvey*
William and Diane Hauserman*
Barbara Hawley and David Goodman
Myrtle Haynes*
John and Doris Hazle*
Thomas and Jane Healy
Alfred D. Heggie
Mrs. Lois Heller*
Judith Henderson
Fredrec T. Henkel*
Marjorie M. Herrick*
Martha E. Hickox*
Ms. Audrey Hofstetter*
Judith and Peter A. Holmes Family Fund
Walter* and Karen Holtkamp
Alberta B. Hornsby*
Linda and Robert M.* Hosler, Jr.
Hope Hungerford
Carola B. Hunt*
B. Scott* and Pamela Isquick
Mary Elizabeth Jackson*
Virginia B. Jaffe*
Jay M. and Toba Jeffery*
Thya Johnson*
Margaret A. Peel Jones*
Walter and Jean Kalberer Foundation
Roger and Gail* Kallock
Joseph P. and Nancy F. Keithley Foundation
Maryellen and Philip Kennedy
Dr. and Mrs. Alexander W. Kennedy
Mrs. Hildegard Kerman*
Elaine C. Kiener*
Mr. and Mrs. George Kirkham*
Jeanette Kirkham*
Joyce A. Klaber*
Betty K. Klein*
G. Robert Klein*
N. R. Klivans*
Larry Knecht*
Catherine and Bill Koppelman
Ursula Korneitchouk
Dorothy H. Kortepeter*
Kristina Kuprevicius
Nana Landgraf
Louise H. Lawler*
Susan and Bob Leggett
George Leibacher*
Rutharriet Levering*
Sidney Lewine*
Catharine and John* Lewis
Dr.* and Mrs. Randall W. Listerman
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Lockwood*
Bruce and Susan Loessin
Ruth A. Lutz*
Doris A. Lynch*
Audrey D. Malone*
Isabel Marting*
Marie H. May*
Ms. Laura M. May
Mrs. Nancy McCormack
William C. McCoy
Helen McLoraine*
Helen B. McMahon*
William Mellin
Mrs. Mary S. Miller*
Bill and Margaret Mitchell*
Elizabeth Oakes Moore*
Mrs. Rebecca P. Moore*
Dan and Marge Moore
Richard and Susan Moore
Mr. and Mrs.* Stephen C. Morris, II
Donald W. Morrison*
J. Thomas and Sarah Mortimer
Sue Morton*
Thomas G. Mouat*
Jeanne Munz*
Creighton B. Murch
Hilda E. Nieman*
Ms. Nancy Nigosian*
Thomas A. Nobbe
Paul and Connie Omelsky
Donald and Anne Palmer
Alfred G. Parker*
Dr. Robert F. Parker*
Josephine H. Patterson*
Mr. Emmet Pedley
Irene K. Pekoc*
A. Dean Perry*
Peter and Donna Pesch
Mrs. Carolyn Peskin
Mildred V. Peters*
Martha Jane Plummer*
Mr. John Petrenchik* and Dr. Virginia Poirier
Martin and Patricia* Pope
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Powel, III
Thomas* and Theresa Pretlow
Marian M. Pritchard*
Dr. Edna Raphael*
Joyce D. Rayburn*
Joanna and Hal Retzler*
Tim and Mary Reynolds
Elsie Reysen*
Mr. F. Tyler Rich
Dr. Josephine C. Rich*
Carolyn Richardson
Mr. and Mrs.* Jim Robinson
Glenn E. and Barbara H. Roderick*
Marcia Rosenbaum
Marilyn A. Rushen
Florence B. Rutter*
Stuart B. Schaffner*
A. Benedict Schneider*
Margaret M. Schneider*
Oliver C. Schroeder, Jr.*
Zelda Segal*
Austin V. Shapard
Anna K. Shepherd*
Emelia Sica-McGuire*
Angie Silver*
Pearl K. Simon *
Martin Sebastian Simon*
Alden D. Smith*
Norman F. Smith*
Kempton and Nancy Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Smythe
Anne F. Spencer*
Elizabeth C. Stevenson*
Dr.* and Mrs. Robert Stone
Barbara U. Streeter
Mrs. Edna D. Strnad
Stephen Strnisha
Elaine Szilagyi*
Alex Taylor and Alice Hannon-Taylor
Mr.* and Mrs. George Kirkham
Marge Townsend*
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Trawick
Virginia Trenner*
William C. Treuhaft*
Ruth T. Turner*
Bette Twaddell*
Alan Unger
Sonja F. Unger*
Jim and Molly Weaver
Alvira Webb*
Dr. Rita I. Welte*
Mr. Thomas C. Westropp*
Emma R. White*
Frances Willick*
Rosalind Winkelman*
Hope H. Manning Wismar
Ruth M. Wismar*
Coultice Wood*
Helen S. Wood*
Helen Wright*
Karen and Davis Young
How to Become a 1906 Legacy Society Member
If you have arranged a gift to Judson Foundation in your estate plan or through some other form of deferred giving, you are eligible to become a valued honoree of the 1906 Legacy Society. Please let us know of your charitable intentions. We want to thank and recognize you now for your philanthropic spirit. To learn more about how you can make an impact at Judson with a future gift,
please get in touch with Judson Foundation at 216.791.2013.
Every effort has been taken to maintain the accuracy of our donor listings and honor the requests of our donors who wish to remain anonymous. We offer our sincerest apologies for any errors or omissions. Please let us know if we should correct our records by emailing us at foundation@judsonsmartliving.org or calling 216.791.2013.
The Annual Giving Society recognizes individuals, corporations, and foundations for their annual gifts of $100 or more. Donors who give $1,000 or more annually are recognized as members of the President’s Circle and receive an invitation to Judson Foundation’s annual Celebration of Generosity.
President’s Circle ($1,000+)
Mr. John Adams
Dr. Sallie O. Adams
Mr. Edward J. Andelman
Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Anderson
Mr. P. Thomas Austin and Mrs. Judith B. Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Jay P. AuWerter
Dr. and Mrs. William Baldwin
Mr. Richard H. Bamberger
Mrs. Gayle Bauer
Ms. Ann Bayer
Mr. Charles M. Belveal
Mr. Peter A. Bergsten
Ms. Laura Berick
Dr. Leonard Bernstein
Ms. Joanne Billiar
Dr. and Mrs. Fredric C. Bishko
Mr. and Mrs. John Blemaster
Ms. Suzanne Bloomfield
Ms. Judy Bodenhamer
Mr. John M. Bourne
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bramble
Dr. Eugene L. Brand
Mr.* and Mrs. Dennis T. Brennan
Ms. Maryann Brenner
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G. Brick
Mr. Robert Brooks
Mr. Bennett Brown
Mr. Robert M. Brucken
Mrs. Norah Bruner
Mr.* and Mrs. Daniel Burke
Ms. Eileen Burkhart
Mrs. Gretchen Butkus
Mrs. Mary Cahen
Rev. Dr. Joan Campbell
Ms. Phyllis J. Carter
Bonnie Shelton Carter and Michael Carter
Ms. Jean Cheever
Mr.* and Mrs. Henry Chisholm, III
Dr. and Mrs. Norman A. Clemens
Mr. William E. Conway
Mr. Alexander Cook*
Mr. Joseph Coyle
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Crampton
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Croasdaile, Jr.
Mr. Thomas P. Crowley
Dr.* and Mrs. Lloyd A. Culp
Mr. and Mrs. Ryerson Dalton
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dalzell
Pamela B. Davis, M.D., Ph.D.
Ms. Doris Decatur
Dr. E. Pauline Degenfelder*
Mrs. Mary Jo Desmond
Mr. Terrance K. Donley
Dr. Jeanine Downie
Ms. Cynthia H. Dunn
Ms. Julianne Edberg
Mr. Erich A. Eichhorn and Mrs. Ursel T. Dougherty
Mr. Roger B. Ellsworth
Dr. Ilona Engel
Mr. and Mrs. Chandler H. Everett
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Fehrenbach
Mrs. Natasha Field
Mr. Allen H. Ford
Mr. Sam J. Foti
Mr. Phil Fung
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Gillespie
Mrs. Barbara F. Ginn
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Richard S. Gray
Mr. James Grunzweig
Dr. Ruth Gurd
John Hallack
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel S. Hartwell
Mr. and Mrs. William C. Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. George Hawkins
Ms. Barbara L. Hawley and Mr. David Goodman
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Healy
Ms. Virginia Hellstern
Susan Higham and Robert Anschuetz
Patience Hoskins
Mrs. Dianna Huckestein
Mrs. Hope Hungerford
Reverend Reid Isaac
Mr.* and Mrs. B. Scott Isquick
Mrs. Marta L. Jack
Mr. John Janssen
Mr. Roger W. Kallock
Ms. Eleanor Kendrick
Mrs. Margaret L. Kennell
Mrs. Hildegard Kerman*
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Kerr
Dr. Jane W. Kessler
Mr. Walter King
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Klein
Mr. Evan Komito and Mrs. Jewel Mouthrop
Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Koppel
Ms. Ursula Korneitchouk
Mr. John Krogness
Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Kuhn
Ms. Nana Landgraf
Ms. Gretchen S. Larson
Estate of Mrs. Marion S. Lawry*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lease
Mr. Robert E. Lee
Mrs. Catharine Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Lindberg
Ms. Virginia Lovejoy
Drs. Martin Macklin and Anne Warren
Ms. Carol Magee
Mr. and Mrs. Sharwan Mallik
Mr. Richard Maron and Ms. Judith Eigenfeld
Mr. and Mrs. Rex G. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. George Mauersberger
Mr. Ryan Mayhugh
Mr. Michael Mayhugh
Mrs. Lois McCartan
Mr. Victor DeSantis and Mrs. Karen McCartan DeSantis
Mrs. Susan Medalie
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Meyer
Mr. Charles Mintz
Mr. and Mrs. A. Richard Moore, Jr.
Mrs. Shirley Morgan
Dr. and Mrs. J. Thomas W. Mortimer
Mrs. Barbara Nahra
Mrs. Robert D. Neary
Ms. Martha Neebes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Newman
Ms. Nancy L. Nichols
Mr. Thomas A. Nobbe
Mr. and Mrs. John P. O’Brien
Mr. Robert L. Oldenburg*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Oldenburg
Mr. Tony Oliverio
Mr. Glending Olson
Ms. Allison O’Neill
Mrs. Mary L. Openshaw
Mr. Merritt Osborn*
Mr. Ivan L. Otto
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Outcalt
Mr. Thomas Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Parke
Hunter and Sara Peckham
Ms. Jane E. Penttila and Mr. Kenneth Murach
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Pesch
Mrs. Carolyn Peskin
Mrs. Barbara Peskin
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur C. Leatherberry
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Poe
Mr. Richard Pogue
Dr. Virginia C. Poirier
Drs. Thomas* and Theresa Pretlow
Ms. Sonja C. Rajki and Mr. Michael Lyford
Ms. Pauline Ramig
Ms. Abigail Randall
Mr. and Mrs. Linn Raney
Mr. Thomas G. Rayburn
Ms. Anne Rayburn Smith
Ms. Corinne M. Reid
Mrs. Donna S. Reid
Mrs. Kathy Retz
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Reynolds
Mr. A. William Reynolds
Mr. F. Tyler Rich
Mrs. Carolyn Richardson
Ms. Georgianna T. Roberts
Mrs. Marcia Rogers
Mrs. Marcia Rosenbaum
Dr. Ellen Rothchild
Ms. Marie M. Rowley
Estate of Betty Rubin*
Mrs. Marilyn A. Rushen
Mr. John M. Saada*
Mr. James W. Satola
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. James Schoff
Mrs. Nancy L. Schubert
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Schuler
Mrs. Meredith Seikel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Sesnowitz
Mrs. Ruth Severiens
Ms. Jeri L. Shaffer*
Ms. B. Kathleen Shamp*
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin B. Shaw
Ms. Jeanne Sloan
Mr. James A. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Kempton Smith
Mrs. Lillian Smyser
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher E. Smythe
Ms. Doris R. Spaeth
Mr. Richard T. Spotz
Ms. Carol Steckel
Mrs. Mary E. Stone
Mr. Stephen J. Strnisha
Ms. Cindy Struk
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Taylor
Mrs. Suzanne Teague
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Trawick
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey Tucker
Mrs. Kendra J. Urdzik
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Vail
Dr. Sanford Waldman
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Y. Wang
Mr. and Mrs. James Weaver, III
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welchans
Mr. Roger A. Welchans*
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Whitener
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert F. Wickersham
Mr. Peter Wiehe
Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm
Mrs. Ann Willoughby
Hope H. Manning
Dr. and Mrs. John Yankey
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Yen
Mr. and Mrs. William Young
Mrs. Helen L. Zakin
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zalar
Mr. Alan Zelina and Mrs. Erva Barton
David and Inez Myers Foundation
The Finished Edge LLC
George and Helen Boggis Burdg Charitable Remainder Trust
RHC Enterprises Inc
Sogg Foundation
Hyster-Yale Materials Handling, Inc.
Schill Grounds Management
Oswald Companies
Touchstone Renovations
Powerback Rehabilitation
Judson Manor Resident Council
Catch Meaning Fund at the Cleveland Foundation
Oliverio Family Charitable Fund
Landmark Designs, Inc.
UNITED Medical Supply Company
Quilling Charitable Trust
The Leslie and Elizabeth D. Kondorossy Fund
The Murch Foundation
Hudson Trust
Fifth Third Bank
Frantz Ward LLP
Absolute Pharmacy, Inc.
The Marjorie and Samuel Lamport Fund of the Cleveland FND
Donley’s Inc.
The Bicknell Fund
The Laura G. Berick Foundation
National Philanthropic Trust
John G. Johnson Construction
The Ferry Family Foundation
The Cleveland Foundation
Knight Charitable Trust
Contributors ($100 – $999)
Mrs. Mary T. Abbott
Mrs. Marion C. Abele*
Mrs. Betty Amer
Ms. Margie L. Andersen*
Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. Anderson
Mrs. Barbara C. Andrews
Mrs. Cary Arden
Mr. Eugene Bak
Ms. Dorothy Bambach
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bargar
Erva Barton
Ms. Ginger Bauer
Ms. Victoria Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. William T. Baynes
Ms. Virginia Bell
Ms. Barbara Bell
Mrs. Betty Benish
Ivy and Michael Benton
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Bittenbender
Mr. and Mrs. William Blitz
Mr. James Bonebrake
Ms. Mary H. Bookman
Ms. Terri Borden
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brackett
Ms. Susan Brennan
Ms. Mona D. Brown
Mr. T.E. Brown, Jr.
Ms. Deborah B. Brown
Mrs. Nancy E. Brown
Ms. Irene Burkhart*
Ms. Delores L. Burt
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Calfee
Mr. James A. Calhoun
Mr. Roy Call and Ms. Barbara Cross
Ms. Nancy Campbell
Mr. John Carpenter
Ms. Margaret Carter Pinto
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Castle
Dr. and Mrs. Marcel A. Cesar
Ms. Samantha Cesar
Mrs. Cynthia Cleminshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Cobb
Mrs. Margaret Collings*
Mr. James Collins and Mrs. Patricia Brownell
Ms. Margaret Columbia-Walsh
Mr. Richard Conway
Ms. Rosemarie Cooley
Mrs. Tiffany A. Cooper
Ms. Inez Corrado
Mr. John H. Corrigan
Ms. Beverley Coughlin
Ms. Joy Cushwa
Ms. Jennifer DaSilva
Mr. and Mrs. Willis L. Davis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Dietrich
Ms. Elisa Dixon
Maureen Dodson and Jessica Colon
Mrs. Molly Downing
Ms. Susan Dunn
Mr. Bruce W. Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Eppell
Ms. Joan S. Ewing
Mrs. Ann C. Fabens
Mrs. Eileen Fertal
Mrs. Nancy Fischer
Dr. Carol Fox
Donna Fox and Loren Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Bob French
Mr. John Frier
Mr. David N. Fuerst
Mrs. Stella O. Fulton
Mrs. Barbara Y. Galvin
Mrs. Jenifer Garfield
Ms. Lillian Gattozzi
Mrs. joan gelb
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Gelles
Ms. Anne F. Ginn
Ms. Nancy H. Glende
Mrs. Pamela Goetsch
Mrs. Florence Goldberg
Ms. Nancy A. Gorenshek*
Dr. Barbara B. Green
Ms. Lisa Gutierrez
Ms. Janet N. Hall
Ms. Nancy Hammond
Ms. Judy N. Hanna
Ms. Margine Hanson
Ms. Jeanne A. Harrison
Ms. April Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence H. Hatch
Dr. Alfred D. Heggie
Mrs. Frances S. Heller
Ms. Judith Henderson
Mr. Charles Herbruck and Ms. Brenda Donahue
Dr. Elizabeth P. Hickman*
Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Holbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Hollander
Mr. James R. Hollander
Ms. Christy Holmes
Mrs. Karen Holtkamp
Mrs. Ruth Holznagel*
Ms. Edith F. Howell
Mr. Paul Ingalls
Mrs. Marilyn Isler
Linda and Robert Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Janini
Ms. Catherine Jarjisian
Ms. Tammye Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Trevor O. Jones
Mrs. Edith Kaden
Ms. Tonia V. Kalouria
Ms. Lelia Kamionkowski*
Ms. Judith Keene
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Keithley
Ms. Anna Kelman
Mr. Jim Kenst
Ms. Susan Kent
Ms. Nancy J. Kermode
Mr. and Mrs. William J. Kirk
Mr. Ronald M. Kohn
Mrs. Joan Krantz
Ms. Alice Kruse
Mr. John Kundtz and Ms. S. Manning Kundtz
Ms. Mary Jo Lackamp
Dr. Michael E. Lamm
Ms. Ann L. Lang
Mr. Timothy C. LaRiche
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Lavelle
Dr. Thomas Lavin
Ms. Lois Lehman
Ms. Giustina Leone
Mrs. Jane Hubben Lerner
Ms. Brenda L. Lewison and Mr. William Blunden
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Libretti
Ms. Tracey Lind and Ms. Emily Ingalls
Mr. and Mrs. Rex Linkenbach
Mr. and Mrs. Garrick Lipscomb
Drs. Daniel and Carole Litt
Ms. Alice Little
Mr. David Loebel and Ms. Jane Cawthorn
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Loessin
Ms. Dana J. Lorenz
Ms. Kimberly MacKay
Ms. Judith Majcen
Ms. Margaret Manchick
Mr. and Mrs. Manchick
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Manning
Mrs. Anne Manning
Ms. Carol S. Markey
Ms. Mary Marotta
The North Jersey Chapter of the Links
Ms. Carolyn Mason
Ms. Charlene A. McCarthy
Mrs. Nancy McCormack
Mr. Tom McGraw
Ms. Linda McKee
Ms. Janet Mettee
Mrs. Jane Meyer
Ms. Connie Miller
Ms. Antoinette S. Miller
Ms. Diane Millett and Ms. Susan Dean
Dr. and Mrs. Roger Mills
Ms. Amena Mitchell
Ms. Linda Mobach
Annick Moiens and Susan E. Byrd
Mr. and Mrs. John Moisio
Marjorie L. Moore
Ms. Donna Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Murphy
Mr. Neil Myers
Mr. Gilbert Myers
Mrs. Deb Nash
Ms. Deborah Neville
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Oldenburg
Mrs. Wanda Olivier
Dr. and Mrs. Paul T. Omelsky
Dr. Thomas O’Neil
Ms. Geraldine O’Neill
Ms. Elvira Oslapas
Ms. Sarah Otazo
Mr. Gene Parola
Mr. Chris Patton and Ms. Yvonne Conrad
Ms. Laura M. Peskin
Ms. Shelley Phillips
Ms. Florence Z. Pollack
Mr. Martin Pope
Mr. Edward Powell
Vanitha Pushparaj
Mrs. Coral Queen
Ms. Connie Rebich
Ms. Sarah J. Rice
Ms. Rhonda Richard
Ms. Rhonda Richardson
Mr. Jim Robinson*
Mr. Dwight W. Robinson
Mrs. Margaret Robinson
Ms. Beverly Roese
Dr. Nancy Roizen
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rotatori
Mrs. Linda A. Roth
Ms. Sue Rubin
Ms. Michelle Ruggiero
Dr. Adel Saada
Ms. Marjorie Sachs
Mr. Michael J. Salkind and Mrs. Carol Gill
Mr. and Mrs. David Schiraldi
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Schwarz
Ms. Yulanda Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scriven
Mrs. Susan Sebastian
Ms. Mary Ann Sewalt
Mrs. Jane Shapard
Ms. Nancy Sherwin
Mrs. Mary Lou Smullen
Ms. Rosemarie Soulen
Mrs. Bonnie S. Spangler
Ms. Carol Sparker
Ms. Linda Sterling
Ms. Sharon G. Sternberger
Ms. Ora Stock
Mrs. Edna D. Strnad
Dr. Suja Subramanyan
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Swafford
Ms. Jane Sydney
Ms. Jean Sylak
Mrs. Laura R. Templar
Ms. Gae Teresczuk
Ms. Beatrice E. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Tibbitts
Mr. Norge Tobbe
Mrs. Elizabeth W. Tone
Ms. Shelle Towns
Mrs. Shirley Travaglini*
Mr. Torrin Travis, II
Mrs. Roz Travis
Ms. Julia Travis
Ms. Diana D. Treco
Dr. Padma Vaidyanathan
Ms. Carina Van Vliet
Ms. Marieli Velez
Ms. Beverly Wahl
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Warnick
Mrs. Elizabeth H. Warshawsky
Ms. Judith Washburn
Mr. Brian Wassil
Ms. Josephine Weber
Mrs. Marilyn Louise Wehling
Mr. and Mrs. Myron Weissman
Mr. John H. Wilharm
Ayo and Mark Wilson
Mr. and Ms. Robert Windle
Mr. Dudley D. Yost
Mr. and Mrs. Davis Young
Ron Youtsey
Mrs. Ann M. Zaller
Mrs. Linda Zimmerman
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Jr. Fortnightly
The Benjamin Rose Institute
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The Drape Factory, Inc.