Programs and Events

Here are highlights of recent events and programs Judson residents have participated in and attended at Case Western Reserve University:

Tour of Dittrick Medical History Center

Residents enjoyed a tour of The Dittrick Medical History Center.  Comprised of the museum, archives, and collections of rare books, artifacts, and images, the Center originated as part of the Cleveland Medical Library Association (est. 1894) and today functions as an interdisciplinary study center within the College of Arts and Sciences of Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.

Afterward, the group enjoyed a delicious lunch at the elegant Michelson and Morley. This new restaurant on Case’s campus honors the Michelson-Morley experiment that took place in 1887 at the Case School of Applied Science and nearby Western Reserve College. This collaboration resulted in the awarding of the Nobel Prize in physics to Albert Michelson in 1907 and the results initiated a line of research that eventually led to Einstein’s theory of relativity.

Residents volunteer at Case Community Day

Residents participated in the University’s 13th Annual Case for Community Day. During this fun afternoon of volunteer service, all university staff, faculty, students, alumni and friends lend their talents to various projects throughout the University Circle neighborhood. The residents got a shout out from Case Western Reserve University President Barbara R. Snyder during lunch and were the first to hit the dance floor for the whip nae nae dance!

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