“No one has a monopoly on the right way,” says Harry Koppel, offering a bit of advice he applies to life when it comes to taking action or solving problems. It’s also a philosophy he carries with him to the Men’s Discussion Group at Judson. “We solve the problems of the world…and we disagree agreeably,” he says.
Harry and his wife, Lenore, moved to Judson Park in 2017. They were pretty familiar with the community because Harry’s father had lived there for several years. Before joining the Judson community, the Koppels lived in a condo in Shaker Heights for 14 years.
When the time came to shift gears into a pace of life where the Koppels could add life to their years and embrace the conveniences and amenities of a continuing care retirement community, their children helped them in the search.
The Koppels knew they wanted a feeling of a neighborhood on a campus that would give them access to a vibrant, engaging, and supportive atmosphere. The active couple toured a variety of options but felt they were “too regimented” for their lifestyle.
They came full circle, followed in Harry’s father’s footsteps, and decided that Judson was the perfect fit. “I like to take walks and get to do so in a beautiful area of Cleveland Heights,” Harry says of his Judson Park neighborhood, while Lenore enjoys spending time in the swimming pool that’s right on site. “Plus,” he adds, “As our needs change over time, so will Judson in how they support us. Everything we need is under one roof.”
Another important factor in their decision-making process was that Judson is a not-for-profit organization. Given its long history of providing services for older adults in Northeast Ohio, Harry knew they were joining a very solid organization. Once the Koppels moved, they were pleased to reconnect with many familiar faces and built many new friendships, too.
Judson is a very resident-driven organization, giving significant consideration to suggestions for new educational and cultural programs or requests for new Wellness class offerings. There are myriad opportunities to be active and engaged.
Harry wasted no time and dove right into the mix. He now serves as president of the Residents Association, where he chairs meetings and consults with Judson Park’s Vice President, Jim Barnes, and others to address improvements and other topics. Harry also serves on the editorial committee for Connections magazine, Judson’s monthly publication produced by residents.
The social, welcoming environment, stimulating programs, and high-quality services at Judson are just a few assets the Koppels appreciate. There’s the turn-key aspect of weekly housekeeping by an associate “that does a fine job—my wife loves her,” Harry says. “And the bus transportation to Severance Hall to see the orchestra is so convenient.”
While no one has a monopoly on the right way, the Koppels have discovered that for sure, Judson was the right way for them, and now they are happy to be a part of Bringing Community to Life at Judson!